Saint Joseph House Selling Statue Company Records First Sales In Netherlands
(EMAILWIRE.COM, June 04, 2015 ) Dublin, Ireland -- Amazon partner company celebrates first sales of the home selling Saint Joseph statue in the Netherlands. The announcement was made earlier today in Dublin.Saint Joseph statues are believed to help sell houses. Some people think that this is just an old wives tale but there are plenty of other raving fans of the tradition.
The statue tradition is believed to have originated from Germany. House sellers bury a small statue of St Joseph upside down in the front garden of the house to be sold, say a special devotion prayer and wait for the house to sell.
The statue is supposed to be unearthed once the house sells and then placed in a special place in the new home.
The leading online seller of The statue on has recorded sales in all fifty of the United States, Puerto Rico, UK, Scotland, Ireland, the Channel Islands and France.
'We are so delighted that the statue has started to sell in the Netherlands. It is particularly wonderful given that the statue tradition originates from neighbouring Germany' commented company spokeswoman.
She added 'We have been the best selling statue on since we launched the statue earlier this year and are so delighted. We give customers a free ebook and a link to an explainer video and try to provide excellent customer service. In truth we think that the high sales are due to the fact that the statue actually works which is not really something that we can claim credit for'

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