Summer camp-inspired home
Kristin and David Hall had a few points of inspiration when they started building their getaway on Washingtons Mystery Bay: the Seattle loft they lived in for years, the summer camps of their youth, and modern European design. But above all, they wanted a no-fuss house. We had in mind the shacks along the coastthose one-room structures on stilts, with just enough room for what you need for a day at the beach, says Kristin.The Halls hired Anderson Anderson Architecture ( to design their shack, with space for son Joe, 19, and visitors. The design is unconventional: two boxes divided into public and private spaces, supported on stilts and united by a greenhouse-style roof.

Although the cedar and galvanized metal exterior give the home an industrial look, Kristin was adamant that the interiors embrace color. Architectural interior designer Michelle Burgess ( let loose with a palette of tomato red, deep turquoise, and bright green.