Which Window Unit Should I Buy?
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While going out and buying in-room-air-conditioners sounds like an easy task, it is not always that easy to accomplish. Once you start researching air conditioners you can easily see that there is lots to know about them. What size do you need, what is the BTU rating? Do I want one that automatically restarts after the power comes back on and do I want a remote? These are just a few of the questions you are probably asking yourself.
To help you choose the right air conditioner for your home we have reviewed 3 similar units for you.
You can see the main features and benefits of each one and this will help you decide which one is the right unit for your home.
You might want to refer to two other articles before you make your final decision on in-room-air-conditioners.
Be sure to see our How-To-Size-Air-Conditioner section as well as our BTU & Square Footage Chart.
They will make this page a lot more meaningful and helpful when you're trying to decide on in-room-air-conditioners. Links to these resources are at the end of this article.
The Frigidaire FRA052XT7 5,000-BTU Mini Window Air Conditioner is a compact unit which can easily cool an area of up to 150 square feet. This is perfect for a bedroom or a small office.
Frigidaire FRA052XT7 5,000-BTU Mini Window Air Conditioner

Nice features of this unit are that it has 3 temperature options Cool Mode, High Cool and Low Cool.
You can easily adjust these to suit the temperatures outside or run the unit on a lower setting for overnight usage.
It also has a fan option and when this is selected the compressor will not run. Great for using when you just want to feel some air movement in the room.
This unit is priced at just over $100 depending upon where you purchase it from. So for a small room option with affordable pricing this would be a great choice. Be sure to see the OHI detailed review of the FRA052XT7 at the link below.
Detailed Review of the Frigidaire FRA052XT7 Mini
The Frigidaire FRA086AT7 8,000 BTU Window-Mounted Compact Air Conditioner with Temperature Sensing Remote is a unit that can handle a larger sized room compared to the unit mentioned above. This room can easily manage to keep a room of up to 350 square feet cool.
Frigidaire FRA086AT7 8,000 BTU Window-Mounted Compact Air Conditioner with Temperature Sensing Remote
The other handy feature of this air conditioner is the remote control. It is easy to use and comes with a green digital LED display which is easy to read. Plus it works extremely well even when the remote is not directly aimed at the unit.
This unit is easy to install even at just over 50 lbs. It has a nice sleek design which looks great once installed in your window. It doesn't look big and bulky the way some other in-room-air-conditioners do.
Now the only downside to this unit is that when it beeps customers have said that the beep can be a little too loud. So this is something to keep in mind. However, if you are looking to cool a larger area then this is a good model to seriously consider.
Detailed Review of the Frigidaire FRA086AT7
Our next air conditioner that we reviewed is the Frigidaire FRA054XT7 Window Mounted Mini Conditioner. Now this unit cools a room of up to 165 square feet which is slightly more than the FRA052XT7 model. It basically has the same features other than the power cord is a little longer at 6.5 ft long. This might be something worth noting and of course depends on where you outlet is in relation to your window. A half a foot can sometimes make a huge difference!
Frigidaire FRA054XT7 5,000 BTU Window-Mounted Mini Room Air Conditioner
Customers were extremely happy with this model and loved the price. The best price we found was at Amazon where it was selling at just over $150.
This is about $30 more than the FRA052XT7 model, which only cools a room up to 130 square feet. This might be a better buy for the square footage alone!
All three in-room-air-conditioners have the same features including automatically restarting after a power outage.
The Frigidaire FRA086AT7 is obviously suited for a larger room and because of this has more choices for directional air flow.
If you decide to purchase from Amazon you will not have to pay for shipping. All three of these in-room-air-conditioners qualify for their free shipping program and delivery is normally within a couple of days. All the units are easy to install and come with all the hardware needed for installation.
Detailed Review of the Frigidaire FRA054XT7
In our opinion I would purchase the Frigidaire FRA086AT7 model if I wanted to cool a larger downstairs room, possibly the family or TV room, or even a very large master bedroom. For other smaller bedrooms I would choose the Frigidaire FRA054XT7 unit just because it cools a slightly larger room for only an additional $30!
BTU & Square Footage Chart

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